Friday, June 27, 2008

Sasquatch of the high plains?

Amber is fascinated (and perhaps a bit ticked off) with how much her feet have swollen during the pregnancy. I don't know, they don't really seem THAT big to me.

38 days to go... yee Ha !!!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Grandpa Barack? Uh, no. The "audacity" of a quote ...

The supposed lesson the American Church was supposed to have learned in the last few election cycles is to stay the heck out of politics. Now it seems many of those who hammered this lesson home the for last 6 years or so are now rushing to the popular and charismatic campaign of one Barack Obama, even to the point of presumtuosly anointing him as a sort of "savior" for our nation.

What we have is yet another candidate who speaks "Christianese". Lifting, this time, portions of scripture to support a mission of social justice. Justice for whom may I ask?

"If (my daughters) make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby" - Senator Barack Obama

Please read the above quote out loud three times (it shouldn't take that many to get you really creeped out).

To many this cements this man's views as extremely Pro-Abortion. While that may be true, to stop there would be missing the point. This man, by this irrational quote, exemplifies the humanist/socialist mentality of "someone else is going to have to pay my bill". This statement is extremely IRRESPONSIBLE for anyone who has the aim of any form of democratic leadership to make.

Irregardless of how you judge George Bush and his presidency, or John McCain and his un-conservative conservatism it it crucial not to weigh a decision to support or not support Barack Obama based on your displeasure of his counterparts.

It's crucial to NOT vote for Barack Obama for the right reasons, for which there are plenty. For a reminder of just one of those reasons...

"If (my daughters) make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby" - Senator Barack Obama

..... he is a socialist without a conscious for the weakest of our citizens.

"Social Justice" SENATOR Obama?

Justice is certainly not proposing the taking of the life of your very own Grandchild.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Why we Love the West #23 - "The Pancake Prickly Pear Cactus"

It's yard work day for the ol' school teacher so what better day to begin the category of "Why we Love the West".
This entry involves the rather massive pancake prickly pear cactus that calls our side of the alley way home. It's different than the native prickly pear in that it is MUCH larger in every way, it's not a native cactus. Some of the paddles are larger than a large skillet... or a large pancake that might come from that skillet. Hence the name. Anyway, the last month or so it has been producing large blooms or roses on a daily basis. The days before they bloom the bud will turn bright pink. Each bloom only lasts one day beginning in the morning with a light golden yellow color and magically changing to an orange color then sometimes, but not every time, finishes off the day in a brilliant pinkish hue.

As I mentioned above this cactus is not usually found in this region but in the neighboring Sonoran Desert which is mostly in Northern Mexico and Southern Arizona. Around the first week of September, at least that is when it happened last year, the "apples" which the blooms come out of, having matured all summer, will turn bright red, then purple. This would be harvest time. I tasted a few last fall and they remind me of watermelon, but these guys are almost ALL seed! We are going to use them this year to make prickley pear syrup and jelly which are popular in fine establishments all over the South West. Here's a closer morning shot of several of the blooms and you can already see them turning orange.

(special thanks to my brother Nathan for the photos)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thas' a lotta watta...

Three men - a Canadian farmer, Osama bin Laden
and a Texan are all working together one day.

They come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it.
'I will give each of you one wish,
which is three wishes in total', says the Genie.
The Canadian says, 'I am a farmer and my son
will also farm. I want the land to be
forever fertile in Canada '

POOF! With the blink of the Genie's eye,
the land in Canada was forever fertile for farming.

Osama was amazed, so he said, 'I want a wall
around Afghanistan , Palestine , Iraq
and Iran so that no infidels, Americans or
Canadians can come into our precious land.'

POOF! Again, with the blink of the Genie's eye,
there was a huge wall around those countries.

The Texan says, 'I am very curious.
Please tell me more about this wall.'
The Genie explains, 'Well, it's about 5,000
feet high, 5oo feet thick and completely
surrounds the country. Nothing can get in
or out; it's virtually impenetrable.'

The Texan sits down, cracks a beer,
smiles, and says, 'Fill it with water.'

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

the future of road trips ?

Anyone who knows me knows that perhaps my favorite thing in the world, aside from God, wife, family, friends, art/teaching, and my new grill, is a road trip ( distractions, just you against the World ). The good old road trip is a way to revolutionize my relationship with all of the above... well maybe not my grill... although I have been wanting to cook a roast on a manifold!. Anyway, with Carson on the way the road trip is of course put on indefinite hold. On top of that fuel prices as they are skyrocketing are going to kill the road trip anyway ... right?


Introducing the Aptera . I understand that is a Greek word meaning "wingless flight"

This is a new 300+ MPG/ 90 MPH top speed plug in hybrid that is coming out this fall (only available to California residents for the immediate future). The first modal seats 2+1 (infant/toddler) but the inventor plans on making a 4+1 next year. If you are skeptical, as I was at first you need to visit Popular Mechanics and see their approval of this car. Of note to me besides the incredible efficiency is its safety and its aerodynamics. The total drag (wind resistance) that this car produces is equivalent to what your hand will produce when you stick it out of your car window at highway speeds. Also, they plan to sell a well equipped model at under 30k. I'm betting demand will raise that number. I'm also willing to bet I'm not going to be able to cook a roast on it's generator sized engine.

Of special note? This car will probably change the way we drive. This is something hippies and quasi-Marxists have been trying to do for 30 years a couple of bored engineers turned venture CAPITALISTS have done in a couple of years beginning with their spare time.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oh by the way...

we can be found, seen and heard on "Skype" and our handle is "e-panhandler" . So be sure to dial us in sometime.


Dateline June 17 2008 We are still alive!!

Today I remembered something very interesting about our past.... we have a blog.

I guess it's been a while since either of us posted anything. It's not like nothing has been going on... hmm lets see...

*Amber is less than 7 weeks out from her due date with Carson !!!

*I finished my first year with West Texas High and Middle School as the Art teacher (extremely challenging but very rewarding)

*last week marked our first complete year here

*My parents and brother visited recently (very cool)

*I'm breaking in my new "Char-Griller" grill with great success so far!

*I'm in the middle of a mural project for Carson's room... it's "Old West" themed (surprise right?)

*Amber recently recorded a project with the Choir of First Baptist Borger, a Church we have been attending for most of our first year here. She sings with every opportunity that arises... but it's been hard lately with Carson kicking her lungs into her throat !!!

*I'm enjoying my summer break and Amber of course is very envious... actually I wish I could trade places as she is in the late stages of pregnancy.

I've actually seen 4 summer movies (it usually takes me two years to see 4 movies at the box office) and they were all decent or even very GOOD in Ironman's case.

"Ironman" - VERY good flick, well paced and fun.

"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - 3rd best in the series behind Raiders and Crusade.

"Narnia: Prince Caspian" - Still no where near as good as the books and the kids are still just not that good of actors.

"Kung Fu Panda" - Took nephew Trevor to this one and had a good time. Message is SO over done though. Believe and achieve
despite all evidence and rationale to the contrary. It ALWAYS works out in Hollywood doesn't it?

Me thinks the Pixar film Wall*E will wrap the summer for us. Sometime late fall the Daniel Craig movie "Defiance", about Jewish freedom fighters in Poland in WW2 will bring us back.

