Sunday, August 10, 2008

Presenting Carson Jacob Epting !

August 7, 2008
4.52 PM
7 lbs 14 oz.
20.5 inches
and a full head of dark hair

That's our boy !!! We waited for a few days on People magazine's 20 million dollar "first exclusive photos" offer to come down but to no avail. Anywho, We'll add more pictures and hopefully a very special video as soon as possible. We would like to thank everyone who prayed for us leading up to this special day and covet your prayers as we continue along this road called parenthood. Amber was just incredible, pushing HARD for almost 4 hours she redefined bravery, courage and for that matter "Wonder Woman" to me. She has quite a recovery ahead of her but I'm glad to report that both mom and son are in excellent health. God is so good and faithful. Amen? Amen!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The GENIUS of Jackie Gleason...

Those of you in my generation might remember this guy from old re-runs of "The Honeymooners" about the piece-mealed life of temperamental New York bus driver Ralph Kramden. It always involved his volatile temper paired against the common sense of his wife and the tenuous friendship with his heart of gold pal Ed Norton.

What has slipped through the cracks over the years is Gleason's performance in the 1962 little know gem "Gigot" in which he portrays a mute janitor in the slums of Paris. It harkens back to the work of Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplain, ground Gleason had covered early in his career when he portrayed a character he called "the poor soul". Gigot is a very similar depiction. Gleason pretty much did everything but direct (Gene Kelly) this film, including composing the score. It's not available on DVD unless you can find a rare bootleg and it RARELY can be seen on TCM or AMC (which no longer shows classics IMHO) BUT, some kind soul has uploaded it to YouTube in 11 consecutive segments. This is physical comedy at it's zenith and it is a shame that it is not more widely exposed today.

Toss some corn in the wave' and allow me to get you started right here....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008


So.... This bit of motivational music (pitch problems and all) goes out to the wife, the 80's people (you know who you are) and Dave Maturo.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The waiting is the hardest part...

Well, we burned 7 gallons of precious gas and Amber used up another sick day to find out the Dr. didn't want to induce after all!

ARGHHHHH !!!!!!!

Now the prog. is that she could very well carry Carson to full term... August 4th. Being that he's already well over 7 pounds Amber is understandably itching to take care of this business! God Bless her.

Took these roadside photos yesterday of the local flavor for your enjoyment ....
distant flat tops (click on images for a better view)
yes,that's a full grown Hereford on the left!

Shoofly !!!
"La Casa Grande"... You see a lot of structures like this in the stark wide open spaces out here. I'm sure there is as much or more of these back in Tennessee but they are obscured by brush. One day, long ago someone set out for something, then struck out. Judging by the makeshift roof, someone tried to make this work not too long ago.
Finally, a Bison herd we've been keeping an eye on. Too bad they are back lit by the setting sun in this photo.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The eleventh hour ?

Yesterday we had our weekly Doctor's visit down in yellow (Amarillo) and learned that Amber has dilated to a 2. As low as she has been carrying Carson there is concern that when her contractions step up we won't have time to get to the Hospital. SO, Dr. Castillo has scheduled us to come in tomorrow, Wednesday, for another check up and the PROBABLE inducing of labor.

For the record, I'm completely comfortable with this but Amber is a little nervous. We are still almost 2 weeks from our due date (August 4) but Carson must want to share his birth month with his grandpa? Fortunately he's tippin' in at 7 pounds 3 ounces so he's ready for the long road of life.

The next update could be an introduction!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

John MacArthur on "Pragmatism"

Take about 30 minutes out of your day for some truth....

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Monday, July 14, 2008


This was our view on the west side of the car today as we drove back up from Amarillo. We got to see Carson again by sonogram... he is SO close to being here. It's amazing to watch the tiny but fearfully and wonderfully made handiwork of our Creator through a monitor screen in a doctors office. Then, on the drive home, we see the massive beauty of a distant thunder head collapsing into a prairie shower.

Carson, our Son, is so small and precious to us, but he's a really big deal to our Heavenly Father, and this massive cloud so huge and almost indescribable to us is probably just another little whisp of vapor from our Holy God's view from the throne.

God of Wonders.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Any day (or week) now....

Now for an update on our Pregnancy. We are 37 weeks and 4 days in.

Yesterday we had a bit of a scare. Carson, who is usually quiet active, stopped moving. It was especially odd because he stopped shortly after his and mommy's favorite lunch bite, the PB & J. About three hours with no movement sent Amber into a bit of a panic so we were off to Amarillo's Baptist St. Anthony's Hospital (yes a Baptist, Catholic Hospital ....Babolic? Cathtist?) Anyway, almost 4 hours into the ordeal he started to move a bit. We got to the Hospital and half the nurses were smearing ash on Amber's head and the other half were trying to feed us Jello salad left over from pot luck from the fellowship hall.... kidding, actually, they hooked Amber up and we got to hear a very strong heartbeat for about 45 minutes as they monitored little C.J. So all is well, the diagnosis by the way is that Mom is having early contractions and the boy has the tendency to be a heavy sleeper... wonder where that came from.... ?

Amber is doing GREAT ! If she is half the mother she is a baby pod/beautiful pregnant woman Carson will be very blessed Son indeed. I have no doubt she will be a great one. She has been a real trooper these last 8 months and it has been incredible to see my wonderful wife move gracefully (though I tell her she's walking like Fred Sanford these days) into motherhood.

I love you Ber' !

- Jud

Sunday, July 6, 2008

"That'll be the day"

"Someone once asked me where I thought music would've taken Buddy. I said 'you're asking the wrong question. Where was Buddy gonna take music?" -Waylon Jennings

Yesterday we made an impromtu drive down to Lubbock with Amber's parents to visit with her Aunt Penny and Uncle Jerry who are in the process of relocating there. I had never been to Lubbock, but had always hoped to one day visit the Buddy Holly Center. I don't know if there is anyone that made more joyful music in rock and roll. The music and it's lyrics has an innocence and exuberance that transcend the era it was made in. I really didn't think I'd get to fulfill this dream yesterday since it was such a down and back trip. Well, It turns out the Holly Center occupies an old train depot and was directly behind the restaurant we had lunch at.

The Center is very small, not a whole lot of memorabilia but that lends to the fact that his life and career were so relatively short. Of note, the famous glasses/frames he was famous for. They were recovered from the wreckage of the small plane he died in that fateful night in Iowa. The late 50's Fender Stratocaster that didn't make that flight but was on the band's bus, it was functionally restored in 1999 and a pick was found in between the pick guard and the body. He was known to slide his extra picks in along the edge of the pick guard. Other items included the Gibson Accoustic Guitar he wrote a number of his soon to become hits before he headed out on his last tour and a number of other personal effects. What a remarkable life that was cut short in tragedy. His career only lasted 18 months... but he accomplished much more in that short span than most do in their lifetime. He even toured Europe!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

BEEF: It's what was for dinner....

Besides thanking God for the certified Black Angus cow, I would like to dedicate this blogpost to all of the evangelistic/militant Vegans, Vegetarians and PETA Members out there. I thank you for your lack of market participation which makes my grilling experiments somewhat less expensive. You also add to the anticipation of a nice steak by your sprinkling of guilt, which makes firing up the grill a guilty pleasure, further enhancing the meat preparing/ eating process. The photos are for you.

For the rest of us, I am attempting the grilling of a better steak by using a "dry-aging" technique in the good ol' fridge and thought I'd document the process with the camera and our blog.

-First things first. Selection of Meat! I'm going with USDA "Prime" Filet Mignon. It can be hard to find a "Prime" steak at your corner grocery store. If you do find one it'll probably cost you. You'd might as well fire up the car and head for a Ruth's Chris. Most of the time, in this cut, you'll find USDA "Choice" or maybe "Trimmed Prime" not the stuff you got that time in a restaurant. Sam's or Costco carry the USDA "Prime" filets and at a fairly reasonable cost ($6 - 10 per steak). Our Sam's usually cuts them @ 3 inches thick give or take.

-This next step is new to us. As I said above we are dry aging our filets. From what I understand this should lead to maximum flavor/ tenderness. We'll see. It is supposedly best to leave the meat in the fridge on a wire baking rack uncovered, but with something underneath to catch any moisture for 3-5 days. The idea is that the the moisture inside will retreat to the center of the meat as the surface dries to form a light crust. It is common for the meat to shrivel a bit and even discolor. Below is my photo log of the process.

24 Hours (no significant drippage, only a few drops)

48 Hours (yep, a little shriveling and discoloration)

72 Hours (eight hours till they hit the inferno!)

80 Hours (Do I smell smoke?...Yes)
***It is very important to note that you need to rinse your steaks in cool water, then dry them to the point of only being a little damp before you add the salt, pepper and garlic. If I were you I would rub them with minced garlic first, then remove as much of that as you can before you hit them with salt and pepper.

Alrighty, Here's a brief explanation of my grilling theology when it comes to steaks.

1) It's a steak! You don't need a special sauce with 57 flavors, you don't need to cover up the natural flavor of the beef. In this case, with the Filet Mignon most people wrap it with bacon. This is one of those fleeting rare moments in life where you don't NEED pork...It's a Filet... you don't put racing stripes on a Bentley!

2) So What? Salt and Pepper, That's what. I like Sea Salt and cracked black pepper, a little ground black pepper is also a good thing. A little minced "gah-lic" won't hurt. Don't over do it.

3) Plenty of Charcoal. You want a hot, consistent heat. Don't skimp on the bricks.

4) Heat Zones. I go with three, Hellfire, medium heat and cooooool.

5) I like to sear the steaks on Hellfire for three-four minutes on each side, this seals in the juices and gives the meat that certain crust. Finish them over the medium heat to desired doneness. Turn them as little as possible.

6) Never cut the meat on the grill to "take a peak". Do you really want to lose the juices you've so fiercely protected?

7) But how will I know? A firm steak is a well done steak, a springy steak is a medium steak and a spongy steak?... Well, "There will be Blood" ... so, I'll take my straw and.....

8) NEVER over cook it. Better to hear it moo than moan. Besides in the 5 minutes you let it set while your saying Grace it is still cooking.

9) Butter. One pat, per steak, as you bring it off the grill. I suppose olive oil could work.

10) At this point Justin Wilson would recommend "a little red wine" I usually go with a hand full of spicy grilled shrimp (with a squirt of lemon) spicy green beans, a baked tater (mmm hmmm, I like a big un') and a nice salad.

Get you some.


"Medium Rare"

The Verdict on "dry aging"? This Steak was right up with the best I've ever had which would be the one from our wedding reception dinner at the Hermitage Hotel's Capitol Grille back in Nashville. About a month ago we bought the same deal but marinated them with salt and pepper for about 36 hours and they were very, very good. I expected these dry aged steaks to be even more tender and juicy and they were, very much so. What floored me though was the depth of the flavor of the beef all the way to the center. This was a very successful experiment so I will highly recommend this technique. I don't think we will grill steaks ever again without dry aging them. For @ $7 each it makes for a superb evenings meal.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Sasquatch of the high plains?

Amber is fascinated (and perhaps a bit ticked off) with how much her feet have swollen during the pregnancy. I don't know, they don't really seem THAT big to me.

38 days to go... yee Ha !!!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Grandpa Barack? Uh, no. The "audacity" of a quote ...

The supposed lesson the American Church was supposed to have learned in the last few election cycles is to stay the heck out of politics. Now it seems many of those who hammered this lesson home the for last 6 years or so are now rushing to the popular and charismatic campaign of one Barack Obama, even to the point of presumtuosly anointing him as a sort of "savior" for our nation.

What we have is yet another candidate who speaks "Christianese". Lifting, this time, portions of scripture to support a mission of social justice. Justice for whom may I ask?

"If (my daughters) make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby" - Senator Barack Obama

Please read the above quote out loud three times (it shouldn't take that many to get you really creeped out).

To many this cements this man's views as extremely Pro-Abortion. While that may be true, to stop there would be missing the point. This man, by this irrational quote, exemplifies the humanist/socialist mentality of "someone else is going to have to pay my bill". This statement is extremely IRRESPONSIBLE for anyone who has the aim of any form of democratic leadership to make.

Irregardless of how you judge George Bush and his presidency, or John McCain and his un-conservative conservatism it it crucial not to weigh a decision to support or not support Barack Obama based on your displeasure of his counterparts.

It's crucial to NOT vote for Barack Obama for the right reasons, for which there are plenty. For a reminder of just one of those reasons...

"If (my daughters) make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby" - Senator Barack Obama

..... he is a socialist without a conscious for the weakest of our citizens.

"Social Justice" SENATOR Obama?

Justice is certainly not proposing the taking of the life of your very own Grandchild.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Why we Love the West #23 - "The Pancake Prickly Pear Cactus"

It's yard work day for the ol' school teacher so what better day to begin the category of "Why we Love the West".
This entry involves the rather massive pancake prickly pear cactus that calls our side of the alley way home. It's different than the native prickly pear in that it is MUCH larger in every way, it's not a native cactus. Some of the paddles are larger than a large skillet... or a large pancake that might come from that skillet. Hence the name. Anyway, the last month or so it has been producing large blooms or roses on a daily basis. The days before they bloom the bud will turn bright pink. Each bloom only lasts one day beginning in the morning with a light golden yellow color and magically changing to an orange color then sometimes, but not every time, finishes off the day in a brilliant pinkish hue.

As I mentioned above this cactus is not usually found in this region but in the neighboring Sonoran Desert which is mostly in Northern Mexico and Southern Arizona. Around the first week of September, at least that is when it happened last year, the "apples" which the blooms come out of, having matured all summer, will turn bright red, then purple. This would be harvest time. I tasted a few last fall and they remind me of watermelon, but these guys are almost ALL seed! We are going to use them this year to make prickley pear syrup and jelly which are popular in fine establishments all over the South West. Here's a closer morning shot of several of the blooms and you can already see them turning orange.

(special thanks to my brother Nathan for the photos)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thas' a lotta watta...

Three men - a Canadian farmer, Osama bin Laden
and a Texan are all working together one day.

They come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it.
'I will give each of you one wish,
which is three wishes in total', says the Genie.
The Canadian says, 'I am a farmer and my son
will also farm. I want the land to be
forever fertile in Canada '

POOF! With the blink of the Genie's eye,
the land in Canada was forever fertile for farming.

Osama was amazed, so he said, 'I want a wall
around Afghanistan , Palestine , Iraq
and Iran so that no infidels, Americans or
Canadians can come into our precious land.'

POOF! Again, with the blink of the Genie's eye,
there was a huge wall around those countries.

The Texan says, 'I am very curious.
Please tell me more about this wall.'
The Genie explains, 'Well, it's about 5,000
feet high, 5oo feet thick and completely
surrounds the country. Nothing can get in
or out; it's virtually impenetrable.'

The Texan sits down, cracks a beer,
smiles, and says, 'Fill it with water.'

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

the future of road trips ?

Anyone who knows me knows that perhaps my favorite thing in the world, aside from God, wife, family, friends, art/teaching, and my new grill, is a road trip ( distractions, just you against the World ). The good old road trip is a way to revolutionize my relationship with all of the above... well maybe not my grill... although I have been wanting to cook a roast on a manifold!. Anyway, with Carson on the way the road trip is of course put on indefinite hold. On top of that fuel prices as they are skyrocketing are going to kill the road trip anyway ... right?


Introducing the Aptera . I understand that is a Greek word meaning "wingless flight"

This is a new 300+ MPG/ 90 MPH top speed plug in hybrid that is coming out this fall (only available to California residents for the immediate future). The first modal seats 2+1 (infant/toddler) but the inventor plans on making a 4+1 next year. If you are skeptical, as I was at first you need to visit Popular Mechanics and see their approval of this car. Of note to me besides the incredible efficiency is its safety and its aerodynamics. The total drag (wind resistance) that this car produces is equivalent to what your hand will produce when you stick it out of your car window at highway speeds. Also, they plan to sell a well equipped model at under 30k. I'm betting demand will raise that number. I'm also willing to bet I'm not going to be able to cook a roast on it's generator sized engine.

Of special note? This car will probably change the way we drive. This is something hippies and quasi-Marxists have been trying to do for 30 years a couple of bored engineers turned venture CAPITALISTS have done in a couple of years beginning with their spare time.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oh by the way...

we can be found, seen and heard on "Skype" and our handle is "e-panhandler" . So be sure to dial us in sometime.


Dateline June 17 2008 We are still alive!!

Today I remembered something very interesting about our past.... we have a blog.

I guess it's been a while since either of us posted anything. It's not like nothing has been going on... hmm lets see...

*Amber is less than 7 weeks out from her due date with Carson !!!

*I finished my first year with West Texas High and Middle School as the Art teacher (extremely challenging but very rewarding)

*last week marked our first complete year here

*My parents and brother visited recently (very cool)

*I'm breaking in my new "Char-Griller" grill with great success so far!

*I'm in the middle of a mural project for Carson's room... it's "Old West" themed (surprise right?)

*Amber recently recorded a project with the Choir of First Baptist Borger, a Church we have been attending for most of our first year here. She sings with every opportunity that arises... but it's been hard lately with Carson kicking her lungs into her throat !!!

*I'm enjoying my summer break and Amber of course is very envious... actually I wish I could trade places as she is in the late stages of pregnancy.

I've actually seen 4 summer movies (it usually takes me two years to see 4 movies at the box office) and they were all decent or even very GOOD in Ironman's case.

"Ironman" - VERY good flick, well paced and fun.

"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - 3rd best in the series behind Raiders and Crusade.

"Narnia: Prince Caspian" - Still no where near as good as the books and the kids are still just not that good of actors.

"Kung Fu Panda" - Took nephew Trevor to this one and had a good time. Message is SO over done though. Believe and achieve
despite all evidence and rationale to the contrary. It ALWAYS works out in Hollywood doesn't it?

Me thinks the Pixar film Wall*E will wrap the summer for us. Sometime late fall the Daniel Craig movie "Defiance", about Jewish freedom fighters in Poland in WW2 will bring us back.



Saturday, January 5, 2008

Concerning Ambiguity... and Rob Bell for that matter...

Found this message given by Mark Driscoll (Mars Hill, Seattle) yesterday evening. Right off the bat I must say that I don't know a whole lot about Driscoll so I will not heartily endorse this man. I will say that this is a public rebuke of the Emergent Church from someone who was as J.R. Cash would have sung "there When it happened" and handles this message , I think, with great humility.

Mark Driscoll was a young Pastor when he was accepted by a group of Pastors including Brian McLaren, Tony Jones and Doug Padgett. In this message, which is about 1hr 30 minutes long Driscoll eventually turns to address the work of author/pastor/would be philosopher Rob Bell. I hope that you will take out some time to listen as the issue of discerning the truth about new supposed iconoclasts like Bell is crucial to the Body of Christ. This message was delivered at a conference in late September and from the blog reactions a big chunk of the Church (the big chunk that so eagerly absorbs everything Bell produces) is totally unfamiliar with the idea of a rebuke or good ol' discernment for that matter. That's understandable I suppose as much of the Church today is apparently more informed by Secular Humanism, Universalism and Marxism than they are an inherent, inspired Bible. Many who call themselves Christians and blog (or post comments on blogs) have attacked the messenger, in this case Mark Driscoll, as one who is attacking Rob Bell (not to mention a number of "Emergent Pastors" ). If you listen to the message it is clear his argument deals with Rob Bell's work and the discernment of that work. This is not a personal attack.

To those who are familiar with Bell you have to admit, the guy SEEMS to be everything the Church....."needs". By saying that I mean, this guy comes along within a decade of Christianty being co-opted by a political party, now, collectively, many of us are staggering around looking for a foothold in culture and this guy SEEMS to have a fresh handle on the current situation. To young adults (including myself) who are always in danger of placing an importance on style above discernment, we find this guy who comes across as being very smart, smooth, slick yet organic and cool as the other side of the pillow, and guess what not only do we think he is cool... the World does too. The next thing you know he is one of the biggest mouthpieces of the Church. All of this with little to no cross examination. The litmus test concerning our church leaders is found in part in the book of John. Is Rob Bell, who receives the stamp of relevant coolness from the lost World a servant (or slave) that is greater than his Master Jesus Christ who was scorned by the World?

"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. "If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. "Remember the word that I said to you, 'A slave is not greater than his master ' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. "But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. "He who hates Me hates My Father also." "If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would not have sin; but now they have both seen and hated Me and My Father as well. "But they have done this to fulfill the word that is written in their Law, 'THEY HATED ME WITHOUT A CAUSE.' "When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me, and you will testify also, because you have been with Me from the beginning.(John 15:18-27)

Friday, January 4, 2008

A New Year... Happy 2008!

It's hard to believe another year has come and gone! 2007 was quite a year for the Eptings, one with a lot of changes, some significant heartaches, but also one of great joy and new beginnings. As we look back on 2007 it is so easy to see the hand of God... He held us as we grieved the loss of a job, separation from the church family we had grown to love so much, when friends seemed scarce, and we both felt at a loss for what to do next. He enabled us to take the trip of a lifetime - giving the two of us a chance to look past the heartache and smile through our tears. Even though that unique opportunity came on the heels of such an emotionally trying time for both of us, I will always treasure it. It gave us a chance to reconnect with one another and gave us the ability to move on. During the next few months, He opened doors to us we never would have imagined possible... enabling us to move to Texas, find new jobs (both of us in the same week!) and start over. As the year drew to a close, we got the most exciting news and the most wonderful blessing... we found out we are going to be parents in 2008! We are expecting our first-born around August 3rd! It's funny how life is... often it is the painful experiences that make us truly appreciate the blessings and new beginnings all the more when they come. We give God all the glory and honor and praise - both for the heartaches and the blessings! We look forward with hope for the new year.

I hope you all had a wonderful year in 2007 and wish you continued blessings in 2008!