Monday, July 16, 2007

Paul Washer "Modern American Christianity"

This has made it's way around the web during the last year or so. "Church", as it tends to function today, has become little more than an exercise in marketing/branding, or worse, in some cases the vine of post-modernism is choking out any breath of objective truth. In any case, we thought it would be appropriate to allow our friends a breath of fresh air.

The Preacher, Paul Washer (HeartCry Missionary Society)

Prepare to be convicted.


Don't have time to listen now? To download the MP3 of this or other Paul Washer Sermons follow the link below.
(look for "Modern American Christianity")

Paul Washer Sermons

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What Paul Washer has to say about American Christianity has some profound implications that I doubt he even has considered.

see the video:
“Paul Washer- Is American "Christianity" really Christian? ”