Tuesday, June 26, 2007

settlin' down

Today marks the begining of our third week in Borger. For some odd reason it is overcast this morning? The typical day here features AMAZING panoramic skies with seemingly perfect clouds and the deepest blues at the apex. I think we brought the drought in from Nashville, it has'nt rained since we arrived, but prior to us getting here they had been having a sort of monsoon season. Amber is in her second week of work and really enjoying that and I am begining the process of cleaning and purging the closets in the Art Dept at the High School and Middle School. We have started swimming every evening at the Frank Phillips Activities Center. I almost forgot how much I love to swim. The first day in I hopped right in only to emerge to the scowls of the lifeguards. I noticed some bubbles coming to the surface in front of me... then realized they were'nt mine :) I was in a part of the pool that scuba divers were training in. I'm glad I saw the bubbles first before about ten feet away where the "frog man" emerged !!! There would have been a clean up in lane 5 !!!!

1 comment:

Carmen@littlecooksinthekitchen.com said...

Hey you two! Hope Texas is treating you well!

We Miss you!