Monday, March 5, 2007

Welcome to the blog of Jud and Amber Epting

This blog is being created to journal our upcoming spontaneous road trip into the desert Southwest from our home just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. Amber's transitioning between jobs and my Spring Break have afforded us this opportunity. We don't really have a definite itinerary at this point but we know we have about 2 and 1/2 weeks to ourselves, the Lord, the road, and a fascinating corner of His beautiful creation. Hopefully we will be able to update every day or so and post the best pictures from along the way. We plan to log around 3,500 miles, and hope to do as much of that as possible on old highways (Route 66 anyone ?) and back roads. The bulk of the driving (@ 2,000m) will be on the first and last days of the trip on the interstate. The features of the trip should be the people we meet, their small towns and the National Parks/Monuments (Big Bend (Texas), Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands, Saguaro, Pertrified Forest and of course the Grand Canyon).

Check in often, pray for our safety and we'll look out for the armadillos.

Jud & Amber


Thomas Martin said...

hey guys,
have fun
t + b

kati said...

i drove almost all back roads this past summer when i drove up from atlanta to cleveland, and it was extremely cool. not that i have to tell you this, as i realize you have been doing so for years :)

please please post some pics of the grand canyon once you get there? i've never seen it, except in that last scene in the movie "contact"...


love you guys.