Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Grandpa Barack? Uh, no. The "audacity" of a quote ...

The supposed lesson the American Church was supposed to have learned in the last few election cycles is to stay the heck out of politics. Now it seems many of those who hammered this lesson home the for last 6 years or so are now rushing to the popular and charismatic campaign of one Barack Obama, even to the point of presumtuosly anointing him as a sort of "savior" for our nation.

What we have is yet another candidate who speaks "Christianese". Lifting, this time, portions of scripture to support a mission of social justice. Justice for whom may I ask?

"If (my daughters) make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby" - Senator Barack Obama

Please read the above quote out loud three times (it shouldn't take that many to get you really creeped out).

To many this cements this man's views as extremely Pro-Abortion. While that may be true, to stop there would be missing the point. This man, by this irrational quote, exemplifies the humanist/socialist mentality of "someone else is going to have to pay my bill". This statement is extremely IRRESPONSIBLE for anyone who has the aim of any form of democratic leadership to make.

Irregardless of how you judge George Bush and his presidency, or John McCain and his un-conservative conservatism it it crucial not to weigh a decision to support or not support Barack Obama based on your displeasure of his counterparts.

It's crucial to NOT vote for Barack Obama for the right reasons, for which there are plenty. For a reminder of just one of those reasons...

"If (my daughters) make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby" - Senator Barack Obama

..... he is a socialist without a conscious for the weakest of our citizens.

"Social Justice" SENATOR Obama?

Justice is certainly not proposing the taking of the life of your very own Grandchild.


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