The International version...
Friday, July 27, 2007
BOYCOTT ISRAEL !!! .... er... or maybe not....
Good article by Pat Boone.... yes, THAT Pat Boone.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The Gospel of Satan
“The gospel of Satan is not a system of revolutionary principles, nor yet a program of anarchy. It does not promote strife and war, but aims at peace and unity. It seeks not to set the mother against her daughter nor the father against his son, but fosters the fraternal spirit whereby the human race is regarded as one great ‘brotherhood.’ It does not seek to drag down the natural man, but to improve and uplift him. It advocates education and cultivation and appeals to ‘the best that is within us.’ It aims to make this world such a comfortable and congenial habitat that Christ’s absence from it will not be felt and God will not be needed.”
- A.W. Pink
- A.W. Pink
Emergent Church,
One Campaign,
Seeker Church
Thursday, July 19, 2007
"Velvet Elvis" - Rob Bell
It's funny how the Church has always seemed to be waiting on "the next big thing" (as opposed to realizing the next big thing is.... oh... I don't know... Christ's eminent return?) As if we had no direction or mandate until we were seeker sensitive, "Purpose Driven", and now "Emerging" (oooooh!!!) Though this specific book has been around for a couple of years now, the author is being considered somewhat of our knight in shining armour, saving Christianity from itself I suppose. The Christian Culture tends to promote the idea of tolerating authors/ preachers/ evangelists error while embracing their truths (Seriously folks, is there any other explanation for Benny Hinn???) The same goes for popular new authors like Bell, Donald Miller and Brian McLaren to name just a few. When are we going to learn to appraise everything we are taught by holding it up to the light of God's final Word and to promptly dismiss false teachers?
The reviewer (from the link below) hits the nail square on the head with his assessment of today's typical Christian leadership (both Modern and Post-Modern)...."The driving question is “what will work?” rather than “what has God said?” Of course these pragmatic church leaders tend to pick things up at the ever more popular annual leadership confrences, and the spotlight moves from "He" to "We" and from "His" to "Our". Mankind and his efforts become deified and God becomes humanized in the modern and progressive chuches. See for yourself and read the symantics at the bottom of the opening page of Pastor Bell's Church's website Mar's Hill . This guy is not alone, all across America as I type church staffs busily huddle around either "works" or their cleverness (or the cleverness of the prototype church in the next state over) instead of a Bible. The popular cart before the horse observation amongst the Emergents is that Christians don't act like Jesus. We don't act like Jesus because we are'nt discipled and we don't "make Disciples".
Here is what I consider a balanced and rather thorough review of Rob Bell's popular book.
The reviewer (from the link below) hits the nail square on the head with his assessment of today's typical Christian leadership (both Modern and Post-Modern)...."The driving question is “what will work?” rather than “what has God said?” Of course these pragmatic church leaders tend to pick things up at the ever more popular annual leadership confrences, and the spotlight moves from "He" to "We" and from "His" to "Our". Mankind and his efforts become deified and God becomes humanized in the modern and progressive chuches. See for yourself and read the symantics at the bottom of the opening page of Pastor Bell's Church's website Mar's Hill . This guy is not alone, all across America as I type church staffs busily huddle around either "works" or their cleverness (or the cleverness of the prototype church in the next state over) instead of a Bible. The popular cart before the horse observation amongst the Emergents is that Christians don't act like Jesus. We don't act like Jesus because we are'nt discipled and we don't "make Disciples".
Here is what I consider a balanced and rather thorough review of Rob Bell's popular book.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Paul Washer "Modern American Christianity"
This has made it's way around the web during the last year or so. "Church", as it tends to function today, has become little more than an exercise in marketing/branding, or worse, in some cases the vine of post-modernism is choking out any breath of objective truth. In any case, we thought it would be appropriate to allow our friends a breath of fresh air.
The Preacher, Paul Washer (HeartCry Missionary Society)
Prepare to be convicted.
Don't have time to listen now? To download the MP3 of this or other Paul Washer Sermons follow the link below.
(look for "Modern American Christianity")
Paul Washer Sermons
The Preacher, Paul Washer (HeartCry Missionary Society)
Prepare to be convicted.
Don't have time to listen now? To download the MP3 of this or other Paul Washer Sermons follow the link below.
(look for "Modern American Christianity")
Paul Washer Sermons
Monday, July 9, 2007
Sunrise in Texas...
Jud took these pictures of the sunrise yesterday morning... we just had to share them!
Psalm 113:2-4
Let the name of the LORD be praised,
both now and forevermore.
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,
the name of the LORD is to be praised.
The LORD is exalted over all the nations,
his glory above the heavens.
Well - just a little bit I guess. We found a house!!! We'll close the end of this month. We are really excited to have found a house that is a great fit for us. We can't wait to move in and at last be settled...and completely unpacked too!
It has been so amazing how God has moved and worked in our lives through this whole process...from both of us getting jobs in the same week, to finding an apartment when there were none available and now to have found a house, when to be honest, they are scarce around here - houses sell really fast once they are put on the market here, so it makes it difficult to get one. We both feel so blessed!
We are still visiting churches and are praying to find a church home soon. We are also in prayer about our ministry as well - we both have a real burden to work with youth in this area. We are living in a time in history and in a culture that doesn't value knowlege of the TRUTH, let alone living by it. It is our hearts to equip young people to know how to study God's Word, so they can know Truth and by that knowledge, they will be able to discern Truth from the error that is so rampant today. Please be in prayer for God's direction in our lives and ministry.
God bless you all and keep in touch with us when you can!
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